Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why Imago Dei?

Some of you may wonder why the crazy, hard to spell name for my photography endeavors.  Imago dei is a latin phrase meaning "the image of God." Genesis 1:27 is the motivation behind Imago Dei Photography (hence the blog name, photography 127).  It states, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  

People are my passion. Since God created all people in His image, my desire is to capture the beauty of God's creation as revealed in the lives of families, couples, babies, children, and expecting mothers.  My prayer is for these pictures to point to a heavenly Father and Savior who is worthy to be praised!  His handiwork is shown in every little expression and emotion of life, for we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.  My prayer is that He would receive glory for every image captured.  

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