Thursday, September 11, 2008


Look at those eyes!  This is my precious Elizabeth who I have been keeping since she was three months old.  She is now almost 11 mths and growing/talking like crazy!  I love the fact that she is like a little sponge that soaks up everything.  Her personality is out of this world!  These are some random shots I took one day of her in the toy box.  I wanted to try out all of my new editing options.  I am sure there will be more to come as she has just started walking!   Oh the joys of little hands and feet going non-stop.  

birthday party

This was my first opportunity to shoot a birthday party.  My friend Amber and I took on these lovely ladies.  They wanted some fun shots but also some sassy model shots.  What a fun 16th birthday!  Being creative with each of these girls was a challenge but the nature park gave us lots of good backgrounds.  I was able to edit these pics in a little more funky, extravagant way than I would normally edit a shoot.  Enjoy these sassy sistas!

bridal shoot

I photographed this bride for my friend Ben.  He had to go to a funeral so his wife and I were going to take on this challenge.  We were all prepared...or so we thought...we started to unpack and realized we only had ONE cartridge!  Soo, it was all on me.  I was nervous b/c this was her second bridal shoot (she didn't like the first one).  She wanted traditional shots so hopefully she liked them!  It was a crazy shoot but her looks made it a whole lot easier!  

Smart family

This family of FIVE was soo much fun to photograph.  We only had a few minutes because the rain came all too quickly.  However, my friend Amber and I got some really fun shots.  Although it was so incredibly difficult to get them together, this is why I love photographing kids...I mean, look at the personalities!  I think I smiled to myself the whole time I edited these.  They are a really neat family, and I am thankful for Amber giving me a chance to shoot with her.  It is always good to see another photographer in the act!  Enjoy these cuties!